
Rugby – International : La retraite pour Israel Dagg

Un grand joueur du paysage rugbystique a pris la décision de ranger les crampons en la personne de l’ailier-arrière des All Blacks, Israel Dagg.


Champion du Monde en 2011 avec la Nouvelle-Zélande, Israel Dagg a pris la décision de prendre sa retraite sportive à seulement 30 ans. Vainqueur du Super Rugby en 2017 et 2018 avec les Crusaders, l’ailier ou arrière confie que « même s'il est difficile pour moi d'annoncer la fin de ma carrière de joueur, je suis reconnaissant de pouvoir toujours être capable d'apporter ma contribution à l'équipe des Crusaders cette année, en aidant à la préparation des jeunes de l'équipe afin de leur permettre de franchir un cap dans leur carrière. » Une blessure à un genou l’empêchait de pouvoir enchainer depuis plusieurs mois. Il compte pas moins de 66 sélections et 26 essais avec les All Blacks et cinq succès Rugby Championship.



As a little kid growing up in Hawkes bay I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have travelled the road I have with Rugby. On a scholarship to lindisfarne college and thanks to my mum working two jobs I was able to show off some skills playing school rugby where I was spotted, then selected to play for @hbmagpies at 17. From there I had an incredible year playing @allblacks7s before being selected to start my super rugby career playing two years for @highlandersteam then the last 8 years with my brothers in the @crusadersrugbyteam. Amongst that... every little boys dream - running onto that field 66 times wearing the black jersey, representing my country with pride and honour for the @allblacks. Unfortunately my dream career has come to an end due to a increasingly painful and unfixable right knee, my rugby days are over. There is not enough space in this post to thank everyone I have met and who has influenced and helped me along this road but here are a few.... all my incredible coaches, trainers, managers, sponsors, especially @adidasnz providing me with all the gears and tools needed to play my game, my amazing agent @si_porter10 and @halosportnz , all the incredible friends I have met along the way, my fans that stuck with me even through the rough days and finally last but not least my family... my mum and dad who have been incredible support from day one, sisters and brothers, friends and my wife @daisydagg who was there from my school rugby days, right through to my last. Your love, support and guidance has meant the world to me. Arlo and Tilly I love you so so much and I can’t wait to watch you grow and support you through the good and the tough times (eh Tilly) haha .. if I have forgot someone then tough luck ha nah thanks again everyone I’m all good and super excited for the next chapter in my life ?? love you all and peace ❤️ #AB1101 #CRU149

Une publication partagée par Israel Jamahl Akuhata Dagg (@izzy_dagg) le

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